From the Twenty-Seventh Discourse—page 584-585

in Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master, by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, trans. Muhtar Holland. An Ashki Book of Amity House, Warwick: 1988.






One gracious divine gift to our blessed Master, the Glory of the Universe, is the standard called the Banner of Praise [liwā’ al-hamd].  Under this Banner the Community of Muhammad will find shade on the Day of Resurrection and the Messenger, on him be peace, will make intercession for them when they are gathered there.  Till then, the Banner of Praise is planted on a mountain called the Mount of Praise, on a boundless plain in Paradise on High.  Its handle is white, its shaft is bluish-green and its point is of ruby.  The Banner carries three lines three lines of writing:

The first line reads:


“In the name of Allāh, All-Merciful and Compassionate…”


The second line reads:


lā ilāha illā-llāhu

                                muhammadun rasūlu-llāh


“There is no god but Allāh;

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh.”


The third line reads:


al-hamdu li-llāhi rabbi-l’ālamīn


“All praise belongs to Allāh, Lord of all the worlds.”


If anyone repeats these noble formulas, it is a sign that he will be resurrected beneath the Banner of Praise and will enjoy felicity and bliss on the Day of Resurrection.

Beneath the Banner of Praise there are seventy other standards, beneath which seventy thousand mighty angels will form ranks, proclaiming the divine dominion.  They will sanctify and glorify Allāh, the Lord of Majesty, as they display the Omnipotence of the Absolute Creator.

When the Banner of Praise has been put at the command of the Messenger, on him be peace, more angels in their thousands will carry it aloft as they escort him to the Place of Resurrection.  As they make their procession toward Paradise, all the great Prophets and noble Messengers will congregate beneath the Banner, along with all those who have affirmed the Divine Unity.