From the Thirty-First Discourse—page 649

in Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master, by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, trans. Muhtar Holland. An Ashki Book of Amity House, Warwick: 1988.




According to the venerable ‘Uthmān, our blessed Master said: “If someone regularly performs the five daily prayers at the proper times, Allāh confers nine special blessings on that person:


  1. Allāh, Glorious is His Majesty, loves that servant of His.
  2. That servant’s body becomes healthy.

iii.                  The angels protect that person from all forms of evil.

  1. Blessings descend upon his house and become manifest there.
  2. A radiance, peculiar to righteous people, begins to shine in his face
  3. Allāh softens that servant’s heart, filling it with compassion and tender kindness.

vii.                He will cross the bridge like lightning and Allāh will grant him salvation from the Fire.

viii.               He will be resurrected along with the saints and the righteous.

  1. He will have no cause to fear the terrors of the hereafter, nor be sorry for those he leaves behind in this world.