From the Second Discourse—page 40
in Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master, by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, trans. Muhtar Holland. An Ashki Book of Amity House, Warwick: 1988.
A Bedouin once came and asked: “O Messenger of Allāh, when will the Resurrection be?” Our Master replied: “That is a matter predestined. It will be when it is to be. What preparation have you made against that day?”—“Messenger of Allāh,” said the Bedouin, “I have made no preparation, but I do love Allāh and yourself.”—“If you really mean what you say,” the blessed Prophet told him, “you will be with your Beloved.”
The venerable Anas ibn Mālik said: “Nothing ever gave us such delight as this conversation between the Bedouin and the blessed Prophet, for we loved our Master and his Four Caliphs more than anything else. We had been worried by the thought that these worthy beings, due to their good and meritorious deeds, must attain the high degrees in the Hereafter, whereas we should remain on the lower rungs, far removed from their beautiful presence. This conversation taught us that, although in deeds we did not share their rank, we could nevertheless hope to be resurrected with them through the love we bore them.”
Loving cannot be forced, for it is not subject to individual volition, but to the Universal Will. How may we achieve this love? If we obey Allāh’s commandments, if we follow the example set by His Messenger, we shall sow the seeds of affection in our hearts. These seeds will later bear fruit. They will grow in our hearts. Allāh will make our hearts incline toward Muhammad, on him be peace. Love and affection will emerge, so taking shape that we shall come to love him more than anything else, even ourselves, and we shall arrive at perfect faith. O Lord, beautify our hearts with the love of Muhammad! Keep us close to him in this world and in the Hereafter! Amen.