From the Fifteenth Discourse—page 311-315
in Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master, by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, trans. Muhtar Holland. An Ashki Book of Amity House, Warwick: 1988.
Further good news from Allāh to the Community of Muhammad: Beneath the Throne there is a group of angels whose number only Allāh is aware of. The faces of these angels are as bright as the sun; their heads as radiant as the moon; their breasts shining like the stars. When Friday comes these angels prostrate themselves to Allāh. In their prostration they pray: “O Lord, pardon the believers who perform the Friday prayer today.” Allāh replies: “Bear witness, O My angels, I have pardoned them.”
The Prophet, on him be peace, relates the following: “Gabriel once came to me with a white mirror in his hand. ‘What is this, Gabriel?’ I asked. ‘Your Lord presents Friday to you herewith. He has made Friday a Feast Day for you and your Community.’ There was a dot in the middle of the mirror. ‘What is this dot?’ I asked, and Gabriel replied: ‘There is a moment in the twenty-four hours when prayers are accepted. The dot you see indicates that moment’”.
Friday is the Chief of Days. There is a moment on Friday when prayers are not rejected. We are told by the Masters of mystical knowledge that the moment in question occurs during the time when the sermon is being preached. This knowledge proved decisively significant for the Muslim Turks at a turning point in their history. At the great battle of Malazgirt, the gateway to Anatolia, the heroic commander Alp Arslan assembled the scholars and Sheikhs as he addressed his warriors in council. He told them the enemy forces far outnumbered their own, as well as being greatly superior in arms and ammunition. When we sought advice on how to proceed, the assembled scholars, Sheikhs and warriors were told: “Tomorrow is Friday. There is a secret moment on Friday; supplications made at that moment are certain of acceptance. It has been surmised that the moment occurs during the time when the sermon is being delivered. If that moment is chosen for attacking the enemy, no matter how great their strength and numbers, Allāh gives good news that the foe will be routed and victory will belong to the Muslim army.” The decision to attack having been made, the council of war dispersed.
Next morning, the whole army was up before dawn to perform the ritual prayer. Then, with the venerable Alp Arslan at their head, all the warriors-for-the-faith took off their armor and their clothes, to wrap themselves in their shrouds. Alp Arslan also wound a shroud around his head, saying: “Flight is a disgrace. The highest Paradise lies in the shadow of the swords. See, I have dressed in my shroud and am ready to meet my Lord. The angels are prepared to welcome us. Above all, Muhammad, on him be peace, is waiting for us with open arms. However long we survive in this world, there we shall go in the end, wearing only our shroud. I am wearing mine form this moment. Let all who wish come with me.”
With one voice, the entire army started making the heavens resound with the cry: “Allāhu Akbar!” The time of Friday prayers was close at hand. Alp Arslan produced a copy of the Noble Qur’ān and held it in front of him. He also had with him the blessed key to the revered Ka’ba. He opened the Holy Qur’ān and recited some Verses from the Sūra entitled “Victory.” Now it was time for the sermon and supplication, so Alp Arslan drew his sword from its scabbard and signaled to the Qur’ān-reciters, who began reciting appropriate Sūras at the top of their voices. Then he gave a signal to the warriors, who cried in unison: “Allāh, Allāh” till their voices carried that word of glory right up to the Throne on high. It was as if the tombs had burst open. Clad in their shrouds, as if ready to give account of themselves on the Day of Reckoning, the soldiers went into the attack with such ardor and solemnity that they scattered at the first onslaught an enemy army of a hundred thousand foot and fifty thousand horse. Just like lions springing upon a pack of jackals…
The opposing battle cries mingled, “Allāh, Allāh” from one side and “Hurrah!” from the other. Corpses piled up as high as mountains. One Muslim warrior was obliged to contend with forty of the foe. But despite the odds, the secret of Friday’s most noble moment was revealed; not only was that mighty host put to rout, they could not even save their king from being taken prisoner…