The story goes from the home country of two young friends who asked an elder who was right in their methodology for loving a great ancestor, to which they were ordered to pray at night and nap on the prayer rug. One had a dream where he was a militant on horseback with glorious armor and weaponry bearing the seal of the ancestor, but off in the distance he saw the funeral of the great man at a masjid and yet was unable to attend. The other friend had a dream, too, but his was the funeral itself and he was privileged to attend. And Almighty Allah knows best.





“A Rāfidī is a schismatic who hates the venerable Abū Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmān, and who dares to pretend that he thereby proves his love for our master ‘Ali the elect. “




Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master | Twelfth Discourse—page 238-242