Take care of your own heart, because that is the true goal of bullies: to disturb your inner peace. If you are resolved to laugh, then bullying as an act is increasingly frustrating for bullies. Fortify yourself by enriching the quality of your conviction.

May Almighty Allah have Mercy on us all.



Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Harith at-Taymi said: When ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan became a Muslim, his paternal uncle, al-Hakam ibn Abi’l-‘As ibn Umayyah took hold of him, bound him with rope, and said, ‘Do you wish to leave the religion of your fathers for an innovated deen? By Allah, I will not leave you until you give up that which you are involved in.’ ‘Uthman said, ‘By Allah, I will not give it up nor abandon it.’ When al-Hakam saw his firmness in his deen he left him.



The History of The Khalifahs Who took the right way