Master your craft. In whatever field it is, seek improvement or expansion or insight. Having been the emir or the Hajj during his noble predecessor, Rady Allahu ‘anhu continued as Caliph to be the emir of the Hajj. That is nearly two decades’ worth of experience, practice, and problem-solving as the person responsible for a multi-faceted project involving thousands of diverse pilgrims. Provide service. Provide value. Look to the precedents, but also adapt to unique situations in order to honor the rites of your sacred work.

Oftentimes through practicing the letter of the law we gain understanding of the spirit of the law. Through repetition comes realization. But sometimes the reverse is true: sometimes we are inspired, and only later can we delineate (to people). Whatever the process, incline towards mastery of your craft. O Allah! Increase me in knowledge!




‘Uthman was the most knowledgeable of them in the rites of the Hajj…



The History of The Khalifahs Who took the right way