Love: Peace-and-prayers-be-upon-him knew who was passing by; the one passing was hiding his identity in the present moment, but not only was his hidden identity revealed but his hidden beauty hidden by time was also revealed; how intimate you were that although one tried to hide his identity, it was beneficial to the people to know him. How do you know the hidden secrets of time, and how intimate you are with him as he would, on that day, be intimate with the Almighty.
Some Friends of Almighty Allah specialize in spiritual stealth. You don’t know how special they are. Who was rady-Allahu-anh? You will never know. Only the Holy Prophet, peace and prayers be upon him, knew who he was.
May Almighty Allah open us with His Light and help us to see under His Wise Mercy that which may overwhelm us were it not for His Gentleness, be that something Sublime or Majestic.
Murrah ibn Ka’b said: I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, mentioning a trial which he thought to be near. A man passed by, muffled up in his garment, and he (the Prophet) said, ‘This one on that day will be upon the guidance.’ I stood up and went to him and it was ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan. I turned, faced him (the Prophet) and said, ‘This one?’ He said, ‘Yes.’